Longest Mountain Ranges In The World chain is a series of mountains that are geologically linked together.

Continent of Asia Mountain Ranges
The continent of Asia is one of the world’s most prominent Longest Mountain Ranges In The World. The world’s highest and snowiest mountain Himalaya is located on this island. If you are also fond of climbing mountains, then today we have brought you a list of some such mountains of the world, where you will consider yourself a truly fortunate person.

First, let’s talk about the Himalayan Mountains
The Himalayan ranges extend to the states of India, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh. You can also say that all these states live in the lap of the Himalayas. Apart from all this, the B Himalayas pass through countries like North Pakistan, Northern Afghanistan, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. In this, Everest and the second highest peak ‘K-2’ are also located in the world. Other mountain ranges in Asia include the Pamir Mountains, the Hindukush Mountains, the Aalburj Mountains and the Arankamayoma Mountains.
Antarctica Mountain Ranges

Although Antarctica is always snowy, but there are many mountains also. Among them are the Hudson, Alexander and Ohio and Grabro hills. The tallest hill in Antarctica is the Vinson Massif, which is 4897 meters high.
Mountain Ranges In North America

The Rockies are the longest mountain range in the continent of North America. Apart from this, the major ranges are Coast Range, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, Alaska Range, Sierra Madre, etc. Mount McKinley is its highest peak.
Mountain Ranges In South America

There is a long range of mountains and hills in the east along the western coastal plain of South America. It is the longest Andes mountain range in the world. Starting from the Caribbean Sea in the north of the continent, the length of this continent extending to the southern end of the continent is 7250 km. is. It is considered the highest mountain in the world after the Himalayas. The highest peak of the Andes is Akankagua. Cotopaxi is the highest altitude active volcano in the world, located in Ecuador.
African Hills

The Atlas Mountains, the Ethiopian Highlands, the Great Rift Valley and the Hogar Mountains are special in Africa. The highest peak of the Atlas hills is Mount Taubkal, which is in western Morocco and is 4167 meters high. The Ethiopian Highlands Somalia, Eritrea and the Ethiopian Highlands are also located here.
Australia The Great

Now let’s talk about the great dividing range situated in Australia outside India, the major hills like Ural and Mount Augustus. Among these, the Great Dividing Range is a special hill that extends from the east coast in Australia to the south. Australia’s highest hill is Mount Kosji Oko which is 2228 meters high and is in New South Wales.